Home IT News The 3 Cloud References Of IT Influencers Barometer

The 3 Cloud References Of It Influencers Barometer

Description of The 3 Cloud References Of It Influencers Barometer

The explosion in the consumption of power and remote IT storage in companies requires increased skills. Who are the most influential professionals in this field? Here is a podium to follow the right profiles.
The generalization of the use of cloud computing in the professional world is now causing a real change in spending habits. According to Gartner, the global market for public cloud services is expected to grow 17% in 2020 to reach $ 266.4 billion, up from $ 227.8 billion in 2019.
But if cloud adoption has now become mainstream, explains Sid Nag, vice president of research at Gartner, it also means higher expectations from buyers about what they get for their money.
This is particularly evident within the IT department, which has been permeated for perhaps longer than other professions by the influence of IT consumed remotely.
With the cloud, the automation of tasks does not spare the IT department either
"With the cloud, the robotic tasks does not spare the IT department either, who will have to manage and adapt their human capital to this new project. It is above all a business issue, the adoption of cloud or the migration of systems, applications to the cloud must be preceded by a strategy supported by the entire management committee, "says Jean-Denis Garo , International Integrated Marketing Director Mitel and president of CMIT.
"It is also a way for the IT department to reaffirm its leadership with other businesses, to which it provides concrete solutions, in line with constantly evolving needs. Here is the detail of this classification:

1. Maxime Duprez, Group CIO at COMAP

• Twitter handle : @maximaxoo
• LinkedIn page: Maxime Duprez
• Influence Score: 71
• Number of followers: 54.6k

2. Arnold Haine, CTO @ BVA Group

• Twitter handle : @Arnold_Haine
• LinkedIn page: Arnold Haine
• Influence Score: 37
• Number of followers: 8,468

3. Stéphane Nappo, Global CISO at OVHcloud

• Twitter handle : @StephaneNappo
• LinkedIn page: Stéphane Nappo
• Influence Score: 56
• Number of followers: 5,418
The methodology of the IT Influencers Barometer Using Brandwatch Audiences, a database of over 300 million Twitter users that identifies influencers, influence networks, and trends, we identified the 5 most influential IT leaders on Twitter. and whose account is registered in France, on subjects relating to IT security.
Accounts registered in France including the word CTO (or DT for Technical Director), DSI (Director of Information Systems), CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), RSSI (Head of Security Systems) Information) or their variations were classified by influence score.
The influence score established by Brandwatch takes into account the number of followers, the presence in Twitter lists, the number of retweets, and responses from the audience of the account. The more influential people an account interacts with, the better the influence score. Refreshed at least once a week, the influence score is calculated using all the data on Twitter since April 2015.
Next month, find the barometer of IT influencers, in partnership with Brandwatch and the CMIT. Different techno and business themes (Blockchain, IA, mobility, Big Data) will be offered over the months to better understand the IT experts present online, and improve your techno watch.