Home IT News Remote Work: Why Is Investing In A Server Necessary?

Remote Work: Why Is Investing In A Server Necessary?

Description of Remote Work: Why Is Investing In A Server Necessary?

The COVID 19 crisis has revealed a new challenge for businesses: ensuring that, wherever they are, employees can stay operational by accessing company data. A business server is one answer to consider.
While remote work will be inscribed in people's minds as an opportunity to live differently, the issue of controlling data from their storage, through their availability to their governance, will inevitably arise ... including in SMEs. Between March 16 and 17, everything changed. In less than 48 hours, all employees able to work remotely had to deal with new realities. Settle in the living room or in the bedroom, compose a more or less operational workspace, and reinvent new ways of interacting with colleagues.
But this challenge was ultimately only the tip of the iceberg. In the background, the IT departments were in charge, and in the multifaceted universe of VSEs / SMEs, there are those who had a server… and the others. When the former was able to ensure a certain continuity of service, the latter had to bow down while waiting to find alternatives. However, deploying a server is neither complex nor too expensive. Still, hesitating? Here are 3 essential reasons to equip yourself with a server to manage and secure your infrastructure!

Reason 1: keep control over data access

When teams work remotely, it is essential to guarantee the legitimacy of data access. A strategic issue, but also an obligation since the entry into force of the GDPR. If a server provides data storage, its role does not end there. It also centralizes a list of users and equipment, the cornerstone of data preservation. The Active Directory, which lists all of the items available on the local network and allows its administration, helps to administer the management of the rights and authorizations of each employee. A first-rate tool to preserve everyone's productivity by limiting exposure to the threat.

Reason 2: ensure regular backups

If there is one key lesson that emerges from the health crisis, it is that anything can happen at any time…, especially the worst. By equipping yourself with a server, you will be able to build a data backup strategy ensuring the rapid resumption of activity even in the event of a severe problem.
The automation of the backup of critical files of each user on the server is the essential prerequisite for business continuity. While during the crisis, the number of Ransomware attacks exploded, having operational backups on a server makes it possible to limit the consequences of the incident and to ensure a resumption of activity as soon as possible.

Reason 3: ensure server scalability according to your needs

A resilient, efficient, but also scalable infrastructure will allow you to support the growth of your business. Server flexibility and adaptability are essential. Because it will always be possible to add storage to your server, sometimes even hot (that is to say without even having to shut down the server), you will be able to make the server support the development of your activity.