Home IT News C&A Relies On Zalando: What The Cooperation Brings For Customers

C&a Relies On Zalando: What The Cooperation Brings For Customers

Description of C&a Relies On Zalando: What The Cooperation Brings For Customers

C&A turns to the online business. Just because of the well-known fashion retailer cannot do it alone, That’s why he turns to Zalando. Online shipping will in future offer C & A's goods in its own shop. Read here how customers benefit from this.
In the future, the fashion chain C&A wants to focus more on online retail. Since access to their own web shop is largely absent, one turns to one of the most popular online retailers when it comes to fashion: Zalando. As Zalando announced on Monday, C&A will in future participate in the company's retail network. In other words: C&A offers its own clothing items in the Zalando online shop.
As a result, significantly more customers should be served in the future than was still possible with the C&A online shop itself. The range of products offered by C&A at Zalando is still quite manageable, but is set to continue to expand over the next few weeks and months.
How do customers benefit from the cooperation between C&A and Zalando?
Zalando now has around 3,000 partners in the retail network who sell through the company's shop. Since the beginning of 2021 alone, 500 partners are expected to have joined the company. Due to the effects of the corona crisis and the existing lockdowns, local providers have to switch to online trading. Since setting up their own infrastructure would often be too expensive and awkward for this. So, retailers turn to Zalando.
C&A customers should also benefit from the cooperation between the two companies - for example through faster shipping options or other shipping service providers. How successful the partnership between C&A and Zalando will be and how customers will accept the new offer in the next few months remains to be seen.