Description of Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 Apk
Here we present a new Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 Apk apk file for Android 5.0+ and up. Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 app is among the category of Auto Vehicles in app store. This is advanced and newest type of Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 (kr.ncn.vueroid). The installation and downloading process is easy and quite simple. You can simply press on install button to install the app and remember to allow app installation from anonymous sources.
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All the apps & games that we provide are for personal or domestic use. If any apk download violates any copyright, you can contact us. Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 is the
assets and
trademark from the developer Resco Brands.
For more help, NCN Mobile Team you can know more about the company/developer who programmed this.
All editions this app apk offered with us: You could also install apk of Vueroid (vueroid Dashcam) 1.356 and execute it using trendy android emulators.
More about app
You can connect your smartphone to the Vueroid dash cam via Wi-Fi wireless, so you can check and configure the Vueroid dash cam from your smartphone VUEROID dashcam Live viewer
It allows you directly view unit\s live video - Choices and reversing left / right - Horizontal view is available with front / rear - Initialize the ADAS calibration setting VUEROID dashcam File viewer listings
The many file lists in the file viewer section are the categories for the types of videos that your dash cam unit can record.
\Drive\ stores anything that can be considered a normal commute.
\Event\ is for videos where an incident occur in them during normal commute.
\Parked\ sotres the video that occur when parking mode is active while \incident parking\ videos are triggered when you unit detects sudden motion of the vehicle itself, while in parking mode
\Manual\ is for videos where a captured footages that had occured in front of your vehicle while the manual record mode was activated.
\PHONE\ section allows you to check out and go through with additional video editing by utilizing some video listings you have already downloaded.
Simply put, in this menu the five categories are known as \Drive\, \Event\, \Parked\,\Manual\ and \Phone\ respectively. VUEROID dashcam History
your itineraries will be safely stored in the History menu of the VUEROID mobile viewer so that you can access all your previous car rides and compare the advantages
of taking one route over another in terms of time and distance to the desitination.
Once a historical log has been listed on this menu, it will be marked in the listing with each different color highlight and subject (ex : \Drive , \parked\ and ETC) around them, to make them easier to discern which ones have already been uploaded. VUEROID dashcam Settings
This menu includes, the sensitivity of the parking mode G-sensor , the motion detection sensitivity,
and when to cut your unit off from power in order to avoid unprecedented vehicle\s battery drain
Plus, This menu will allow you to customize the way your unit interacts with you.
you can change its language to a variety of choices from English, to Japanese, to chinese and even French.
Other settings you can change are the time, and speed that is recorded on your videos, and the way that the security LED lights up.
※ Applicable features for this mobile app may differ slightly depending on the vueroid dash cam model
if you have any questions or problems while using this mobile app, please contact us at
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