Home Entertainment Download 티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk For Android
Download 티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk for android

티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk

Categories:Entertainment  Developer: NHN Link Corporation Version:  

Description of 티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk

Here we present a new 티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk apk file for Android 5.0+ and up. 티켓링크 2.6.5 app is among the category of Entertainment in app store. This is advanced and newest type of 티켓링크 2.6.5 (kr.co.ticketlink.cne). The installation and downloading process is easy and quite simple. You can simply press on install button to install the app and remember to allow app installation from anonymous sources. We have also given direct download link with hight speed download. Be sure that we only provide the original, free and pure apk installer for 티켓링크 2.6.5 APK free of mofifications. All the apps & games that we provide are for personal or domestic use. If any apk download violates any copyright, you can contact us. 티켓링크 2.6.5 is the assets and trademark from the developer Resco Brands.
For more help, NHN Link Corporation you can know more about the company/developer who programmed this. All editions this app apk offered with us: You could also install apk of 티켓링크 2.6.5 and execute it using trendy android emulators.

More about app

Reservations for performances, such as sports, musicals, plays, concerts, experiences, and leisure, quickly and easily! Always conveniently reserve a good seat.
● Make a reservation
Quickly check the sports/performances you want to see,
● Seat Selection
Find the desired seat at a glance
● You can enter without issuing a smart/home ticket.
● Payco
Points You can also purchase tickets with Payco Points!
For inquiries, please contact the number below.
Customer Inquiry: 1588-4567
Phone Reservation: 1588-7890
For more information, please visit the website below.
● Homepage: http://www.ticketlink.co.kr/
Required access right information
storage space: You can attach a photo when making a customer inquiry while using the service.
※ This service has been developed for versions below Android 6.0, so you cannot individually choose whether to agree to the access right.

However, we inform you that we are setting only the access rights essential to the provision of services.

--------------------------- -------------------

The TicketLink app will be continuously updated to provide more stable and convenient features.
Please listen to the diverse opinions of our members.
I want to be a ticket link team that cares about customers.
Developer Contact:
Customer Center: 1588-7890
Business Registration Number: 144-81-25090 Mail-order Business
Report Number: 2015-Gyeonggi Seongnam-0661

Additional 티켓링크 2.6.5 Apk Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
2.6.5 1.1 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
5.0 2022-07-22 1933784 NHN Link Corporation
High Speed Download