Home PUZZLE Download Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk For Android
Download Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk for android

Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk

Categories:PUZZLE  Developer: Vanvel Code Version:  

Description of Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk

Here we present a new Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk apk file for Android 5.0+ and up. Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 app is among the category of PUZZLE in app store. This is advanced and newest type of Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 (com.vanvel.com.unity.tablic). The installation and downloading process is easy and quite simple. You can simply press on install button to install the app and remember to allow app installation from anonymous sources. We have also given direct download link with hight speed download. Be sure that we only provide the original, free and pure apk installer for Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 APK free of mofifications. All the apps & games that we provide are for personal or domestic use. If any apk download violates any copyright, you can contact us. Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 is the assets and trademark from the developer Resco Brands.
For more help, Vanvel Code you can know more about the company/developer who programmed this. All editions this app apk offered with us: You could also install apk of Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 and execute it using trendy android emulators.

More about app

Uživaj u jednoj od najpopularnijih kartaških igara na Balkanu, Tabliću. :) Igra je za 2 igrača. Igra se sa standarnim špilom od 52 karte. Cilj je osvojiti (ili preći) 101 poen. Za napredne igrače, ili one koji žele nove izazove u Tabliću, tu je i opcija Kontra igre. U Kontra Tabliću cilj je odneti što manje poena. Igrač sme da odigra bilo koju kartu iz ruke, ali sa njom mora odneti sve što je moguće. Detaljnija pravila možeš naći u samoj aplikaciji! :) Multiplayer opcija je u pripremi. Za sve bagove, pitanja ili sugestije, slobodno nam piši na [email protected] ili [email protected]. Srećno! :)

Additional Tablic - Igra Tablić 3.5.2 Apk Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
3.5.2 1.1 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
5.1 2023-08-01 14521 Vanvel Code
High Speed Download