Description of Dreamsense Sleep Coach 2022.1129.0-prod Apk
Here we present a new Dreamsense Sleep Coach 2022.1129.0-prod Apk apk file for Android 5.0+ and up. Dreamsense Sleep Coach 2022.1129.0-prod app is among the category of Education in app store. This is advanced and newest type of Dreamsense Sleep Coach 2022.1129.0-prod (app.dreamsense.sleepcoach). The installation and downloading process is easy and quite simple. You can simply press on install button to install the app and remember to allow app installation from anonymous sources.
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More about app
Personalized sleep plans for 0-3 yrs. Help your baby sleep better so you can rest too!
The Dreamsense app has one goal: to help you improve your child’s sleep so that you can defeat sleep deprivation and enjoy parenthood like you thought you would.
After you download the app, you fill out a 10-minute questionnaire about your baby’s sleep. Based on this information, we create a personalized sleep plan for your baby that will help you improve their sleep within one week. No sleep tracking needed!
It is like having a consultation with a sleep expert but for a fraction of the price.
The Dreamsense sleep plan is tailored to your unique child so that you don’t have to waste your time by reading hundreds of pages to find the tools and advice that fits your situation. This is why we ask you to fill out a 10-minute questionnaire so that we can fully understand your situation, before we give you advice.
The Dreamsense sleep plan is based on scientifically proven methods that provide you with the information and tools you need to lay a healthy sleep foundation for your child so that you feel confident that you do what is best for your family.
The Dreamsense sleep plan
- Will help you solve your child’s sleep problems so that you can take back your nights and feel relaxed and energetic again.
- Is personalized so you don’t have to waste your time looking for the right tips on Insta for your unique situation
- Is available within 24 hours of submitting your questionnaire
- Is a one-time payment, no subscription needed
- No sleep tracking needed!
- Most families see positive changes in just one week.
- Is for babies 0-3 years of age.
- Can help you with sleep problems like too many night wakings, split nights, short naps, too early wake ups in the morning, day-night confusion, difficult bedtimes, etc.
Our philosophy about sleep coaching is
- Holistic because it looks at the sleeping behavior of the child in the context of parental behaviors, cognitions and the environment.
- Inclusive, because it welcomes parents with different kinds of parenting philosophies and practices without judgment. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding, attachment parenting or parent-led approaches, co-sleeping or not, our method offers solutions in every situation.
- All-in-one, because it helps parents solve all kinds of sleep problems with the whole arsenal of baby sleep coaching practices.