Home ducatif Download اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk For Android
Download اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk for android

اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk

Categories:ducatif  Developer: AppliPhile Version:  

Description of اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk

Here we present a new اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk apk file for Android 5.0+ and up. اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد app is among the category of ducatif in app store. This is advanced and newest type of اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد (alphabet_arabic.free_version). The installation and downloading process is easy and quite simple. You can simply press on install button to install the app and remember to allow app installation from anonymous sources. We have also given direct download link with hight speed download. Be sure that we only provide the original, free and pure apk installer for اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد APK free of mofifications. All the apps & games that we provide are for personal or domestic use. If any apk download violates any copyright, you can contact us. اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد is the assets and trademark from the developer Resco Brands.
For more help, AppliPhile you can know more about the company/developer who programmed this. All editions this app apk offered with us: You could also install apk of اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد and execute it using trendy android emulators.

More about app

We are pleased to present to you the updated version of the most widely used application from Laiya (name - inanimate objects - animal - plant - country).
The game helps to develop the skills and information of players and maintain their ardent mentality and quick wit. And while previous generations played it on paper, we are pleased to put in your hands this game for free to play, through Android devices / alone or with any number of friends.
The aim of the game is to fill in the five fields with words starting with the same letter that is chosen or automatically determined by the application. These fields are:
1- Name (meaning the name of a person, male or female)
2- Inanimate (anything other than living beings)
3- Animal (any type of animal)
4- Plant (fruits, vegetables, flowers, and trees)
5- City (and includes names of Countries, their capitals, and important cities in the world)
It's a simple yet educational, competitive, and exciting game that demands speed with the addition of time.
Levels and stages:
1- There are two levels:
- The basic level: where after selecting the letter (automatically or for the player to choose) and choosing the time (60, 90 or 120 seconds) and starting to play, pictures of animals, plants and inanimate objects appear for a few seconds whose names begin with the same letter chosen to help the players Younger or beginners in getting to know the required words. These pictures are for help only and any other correct word can be written otherwise.
- Challenge level: here you play to achieve the highest numbers and move to advanced stages in the game (there are 11 stages). Each stage includes changes to the required fields. So the field of the name becomes a female name and the other a male name, and the inanimate objects become at home or in the school and the animal becomes either mammals or birds or insects and reptiles, and the plant becomes fruits and vegetables or spices and herbs, and the country becomes Arab cities at one time and other states and capitals. And to increase the excitement, the application here chooses the characters, not the player. Also, the time is 60 seconds does not change.
2- After continuous additions, the combined dictionaries have become more comprehensive and contain thousands of widespread words. 3- For more enthusiasm and competition, the player gets an additional 50 points if he fills in the five fields correctly before the end of the round time and gets an additional 100 points if he manages to do so in less than 30 seconds.
4- The achieved records can be kept according to the player's name.
Very important: the hamza should not be written on the alif at the beginning of the word and only written in the form of \a\, for example, we write \ameen\ in the form of \ameen\. The rounded Ta’a must also be written at the end of the word in the form of Ta’a’ and not Haa’, for example, we write ‘Dala’ and not ‘Dallah’ and ‘Najat’ and not ‘Najat
’. Over 21,000 words.
Of course, these dictionaries do not include all correct words. If you wrote a correct word and it was rejected, please inform us by e-mail to add it as soon as possible. However, we apologize for adding the names of cities because there are hundreds of thousands of them, and we have limited ourselves to adopting the names of well-known and large cities.

The game is programmed to be compatible with phones and tablets. We may work hard to make the game fully compatible with all devices. However, we will be very pleased if you inform us by e-mail about any technical problem, error, or any proposal to develop the game. We rely on your support to develop it, so do not hesitate to write to us.
The game is also available in English and French and for free. In order to develop your English or French, you can download it from this same website.
In the end, we extend our sincere thanks to the hundreds of thousands of people who have downloaded the application and those who have expressed their suggestions and comments for its development. Thanks to those and those, the application today occupies an advanced position among Arab applications. We expect you to vote for this game if you like it. Sincerely

Additional اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد Apk Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
- 1.1 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
- 2022-07-30 413998 AppliPhile
High Speed Download