Home IT News A Revisited User Interface And New Attributes On Google Workspace

A Revisited User Interface And New Attributes On Google Workspace

Description of A Revisited User Interface And New Attributes On Google Workspace

With Google Workspace, the web giant wants to promote “fair collaboration” by offering the same tools to all professionals, whether face-to-face or remotely.
Google Workspace is rolling out a more streamlined user interface, with improvements to pinning, layout, personalization, and controls, with a focus on “fair collaboration”.
The goal of Google Workspace is to offer professionals working on site and remotely the same tools. By “fair collaboration,” Google means the ability of workers to contribute in the same way, regardless of location, position, experience, language and device.

A new user interface

Starting in May, Google Workspace will offer its users the new interface, with new video backgrounds, Auto zoom and automatic brightness settings. Google Workspace has had a facelift in recent weeks with Meet. As a reminder, Google renamed its G Suite to "Google Workspace" in October.
New features are available on Google Workspace, in order to meet the needs of hybrid work , but also with a concern for accessibility and a desire for engagement.
On Meet, Google also offers more controls, in particular to reduce fatigue associated with videoconferencing meetings. With these new settings, users will be able to more easily control how to display, size, and position tiles. It will also be possible to reduce or hide (for oneself) its flow.
New on Meet
Among the novelties awaiting Meet users:
• Multi-pinning, drag-and-drop, and scrollable overflow. Meet will allow the presenter to unpin a presentation so that it is the same size as the tiles of other participants. The idea is that the latter can better assess the reactions.
• Users will be able to pin multiple video streams and mix people and content. This feature could be handy since it allows people and content to be prioritized on the fly.
• More streamlined controls. Meet controls will be grouped at the bottom right to create more space.
• Brightness adjustments. Meet will automatically detect when a user is underexposed and improve the brightness. With this feature, Google is leveraging AI to improve videos, just like it does for digital photography.
• Data saver, a feature designed to limit data usage on mobile networks. The Data Saver will launch this month.
• Auto zoom, an AI tool that will position the user in front of the camera. Auto zoom will be available to paid Google Workspace subscribers.
• The video background replacement will come with three options, including a classroom, a party, and a forest. Google has indicated that more video backgrounds will be added.